
A. Books

1. Introduction to Discrptive and Experimental  Embryology. 

2. Genetic Engineering and Embryonic Development .

3. Practical of Vertebrates  Embryology.

4. Cloning.

5. Experimental Embryology (in).

6.  Introduction to cell cult ure (in press).

7. Smoking.

8. High Studies in K.S.A During the Period of the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques.

9.Discrptive cell compative Embryology.



12.Damah im Friday.

13.Prgnancmg: Step by step.

14.lamis and it's good saying.

15.The Univevstyes and Selve bulding.

B. Articals

Publications in Main area (Embryonic &Tumor Cell Culture )    

16. Karim ,S., Flor-Heniry, M. and Depomerai ,D .(1987). Glucose Metabolism in Transdifferintiting and Gloucose-Blocked Cultures of Chick,  Glycoyen and Crystallin Accumulation. Cell Differ .22,29-49.

 17. Karim, S. and Depomerai ,D.(1990).Stimulatory Fffects of Retinal Extract and Fibroblast Growth Factor on Lentoidogenesis in Cultures of Chick Embryo Neuro Retinal Cells. Cell Diff and Devel .31,169-176. 

18. Karim, S. and Depomeriai ,D.(1992). Glycogen Versus 6-Crystallin Accumulation in Chick Embro Neuroretinal Cultures: Achoice Made in Glial Cell and not Influenced by Over Lying neurons . The Bioch.J.285,79-83. 

19. Karim, S. and Depomeriai,D.(1992).Inhibition of Lentoidogenesis ByNickel Sulphate in Cultures of Chick Embryo neural retina cells.J. Of Aoll .Sci.  Egypt. 21,291-298. 

20. Karim, S. and Depomerai ,D.(1992).Glucose-6Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity and Gglycogen Content During Chick Neuroretinal Cell Culture .J.K.A.U.Sci.M., Volu4. 

21. Karim, S. And Depomerai ,D.(1992).Lactate Dehydrogenase Acivity During the Culture of Chick Embryo Neural Retina Cell in Vitro .J.K.A.Y.Sci.,Volu4. 

22. Karim, S .Al-Kudsi ,F. And Depomerai ,D.(1994).Infleuence of Retinal Extracts and Fibroblast Growth Factor on Lentoidogenesis in the Chick Embryo Retinal Glial Cell Cultures.J.K.A.U.Sci.M.,Vol7. 23. Karim, S.Al-Kudsi,F.and Depomerai,D.(1994).Effect of Extrinsic Factor on Lentoidogenesis in Chick Embryo Retinal Glial Cell Cultures. J.K.A.U. Sci.M.,Vol7. 

24. Karim, S and Noorwally,A(1997).Comparative Study of Glucose Metabolism in Embryonic Neuronetina and Tumour Cells in Culture.J of Biochemical .Egypt. 

25. Kojah,M. Elamodey, A. and Karim, S.(2000) . The Effects of Some Vitamis and Hormores on the Growth of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells in Vitro . The First Saudi Science Conference.

 26. Karim, S.(2003). Stem Cells and Its Medical Treatment .the Seventeenth Conference of Islamic Fekah. 

27.Karim,S,AL Asoly,S. and .Ashkar, H (2005). Clinical Relevance of Multidvug Resistance Gere Expressions and DNA Repair in Hematological Malignancies (in Preparation).  

Publications in Experimental  Embryology & Teratology…


28. Farag,A.,AL-Wassia and Karim, S. ( 1984). The Effect of the Oily Extract of Psidium Guaijaua Leves on the Early Chick Embryo .Annals of Agric .Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 22,157-172.

 29. Karim,S.(2000) Testicular Histology and Seasonal Changes in the Lizard,Scincus Mitanus Anderson.J.K.A.U.EDU. 

30. Karim, S.(2000) A Stereoscan Study of the Origin of Ciliated Cells in the Embryonic Epidermis of Bufo Orientalis.J.K.A.U.EDU 

31. Karim, S.(1992). Fine Structure of the Testicular Cells in Bitis Arietans (Serpents,Viperidae ).J. of the Egyption German Society of Zoo. Vol7.

 32.Karim, S.,El-Sayyad, H.and El-kenany,N.(1994).Effect of Nickel Sulphate on the Regeneration of Hind Limb in Tadpoles of the Tood .Bufo Orientalis.1.Foot Region.J. Of the Egyotion German Society of Zool. Vol.14(B)123-146. 

33. Karim, S.,El-Sayyad, H.and El-kenany,N.(1994).Effect of Nickel Sulphate on the Regeneration of Hind Limb in Tadpoles of the Tood .Bufo Orientalis.II.Amputation in Middle .J. Of the Egyotion German Society of Zool. Vol.16(B)203-227.

 34. Hassan,I.El-Sayyad and Karim,S. Effects of Hyperthermia on the Development of Some Organs of Breastfeeding Rast . Union. Arab.Biol.,Vol.5(A) Zoology,331-344. 

35. El-Sayyad,H El-Gammal,H. And Karim,S.(1996).Some Aspects of Growth Deformities of Chick Embryos Induced by Flufenoscuron. Union Arab.Biol. Vol.5(A)Zoology,313-329.

 36. Karim, S (1999).Macroscopic and Macroscopic Anatomy of Hemipenes of the Snake .J.K.A.U.Sci. 

37. Karim, S.(2000).Organisms and Genes Engineering .Islamic medical  conference Organization ALKawit .

 38. Karim,2001.The Genome :Book of the Live , Journal of Sceintific Signes. volume7pp.38-   42 

39. Karim, 2003,Twins , Journal of Scientific Signes. volume 13pp14-19.

 40. AL-Hazmi,E., Shakes. S, EL-Ssagaff,S.and. Karim,S.(2004).Histological Structure of Rat testis. after Doxorubicin Administration treatment.The Second Saudi Science Conference.

 41.AL-fifiy,and Karim, S.(2004).Histological and Histochemical Changes  Ovary after Doxorubicin Administration treatment.(in Preparation).  

42. A.Ali,A.Ktan,F.Alqudsi,S.Karim (2007)Ultrastructural  Changes of the testicular Tissues of Immature and Mature mice Under the effect of Lithium carbonate   Bull,Alex.fac.meed.  43,NO3,569-579

43.S.Shaker,S.Alkarim,SElassouli,(2009)Effects of Feeding Fried Potato Chips on sciatic Nerve and Muscle spindle in hind limb muscle of post weaning mice :light microscopic study. ICBS

44.  A .Ali,A.Katan,F.Alqudsi,ands.Karim.(2009) The toxic effect of Camcolit on theReproduction System of Immature Mic.The J.Reproduction

45.Shaker,S.BenZakar,N.Alqudsi,F and Karim,S(0000) fetal Macrossomia of diabetic Rat : Histological and Histochemical studies of Skin and Brown.(in press)

46.Shaker.s.. Benzaka.N. Al-qudsi ;F amel karim.s. (0000)fatel Macrossomia of Diabetic Rats Histological and Histochemical Sudi (in pearpreation(

Last Update
3/28/2010 3:21:06 AM